Our Story

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St. Mary Magdalene School was established on 1961 when Msgr. Eulogio San Juan, Kawit Parish Priest, thought of setting up a kinder class which by then was not being offered by any school within the town. With the help of Mr. Angel S. Colet, the convent became the first classroom and with Mrs. Angelita Quiamson Samaniego as the pioneer teacher for fifteen enrolled pupils. On 1963, DepEd granted the Kindergarten class the permit to operate.

The name St. Mary Magdalene School was adopted in honor of the town’s patroness. March 11, 1966 was designated as the school’s Foundation Day as the birthday of Msgr. Eulogio San Juan was also celebrated. However, history goes beyond its chronological date. To have a sense of history, it is very important to know where we’ve came from. Hence, on this day, we are reminded of how the school was formed 61 years ago. Today, we reflect on the historical days of the school and how far we have come as a school community.